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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Adventures in Soap Making Continued...

I am a bad blogger. No, it's okay. I know that it's true.  When's the last time I updated?  Ah, best intentions and all that, but its easy to get side tracked, busy, overwhelmed.  May I just add that's especially true when you have kids.  And by that I mean goats, but I have heard that the human variety are just as bad.  Always getting into ridiculous situations.  It's as if they are actively looking for trouble.  Although I hope the two legged kind doesn't inspire you to build more fences... Anyway I've also been busy making soap and trying (slowly, painstakingly) to begin a tiny soaps and skin care business!
So although all has been quiet here on the blog, I've actually been very busy!
It's been Cold Process all the way, so a lot of time has been invested.  Here are a few soaps I made

Lemon Balm Soap made with wild lemon balm that grows here and a blend of essential oils I formulated
Autumn Apple Spice Soap made with local apple cider, goat's milk, and a spiced swirl
a simple Soleseife, AKA brine soap
Spiced Orange Clove Soap with naturally colored soap curls
In all this time, I have learned a lot!  I've abandoned following recipes and started experimenting on my own. All of these are originals.  I can tell you that took some "let's see what sticks" mentality. I have a small box of soap that is less than stellar I may re-batch.  I count myself lucky that there have not been any total failures, just disappointments.  I attribute this to learning as much as I could (somewhat obsessively) before gloving up and getting to it.  In the spirit of sharing, for anyone who wants to try soap making, the best resource I learned from had to be Soaping 101.  Her videos are really informative, to the point, and useful.  The first soap I tried to make for practice was her tried and true Bastile recipe.
I've come a long way, and think it's important for every soap maker to develop their own recipes and styles. I'm excited for what the futures holds. ....Especially since I got a package of brand new supplies today!!!
More soon...

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