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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ethics in Small Farming

There's something that's been bothering me lately. 
I think my priorities when it comes to farming, even as a small farm, may differ from some.  I've seen animals treated like commodities, kept in over crowded spaces where they don't have adequate resources given.  I've seen places where conditions have been dirty, animals are sick, and some dying from easily preventable maladies like Pasteurella. This gets regarded as an expected loss, just part of business with so many animals coming and going.
Maybe I am soft hearted. Maybe it's my background working as a veterinary assistant, and in animal care.  Whatever the reasons, I'm proud of the fact that everything here begins and ends with my animals' health and comfort in mind.  If that means I will never be as "productive" because I will not attempt to cram as many individuals as possible into the space I have, or that more of my daily routine is given over to their care, I'm okay with that.   If that means I am accused of being "judgemental" when I refuse to do business with anyone who doesn't seem to care about their animals enough to ensure they always have fresh water and enough space to stretch out and stay clean- I'm okay with that.   
I may have burned some bridges by refusing to barter or sell to certain people. It's not a huge community here.  I had some harsh words directed at me a few weeks ago by someone because I wasn't comfortable with any of my animals going to live in the conditions I saw on their property.  It doesn't seem to matter how delicately you try to broach this topic.  People get defensive when they know deep down they are wrong.  You can't look at a rabbit that has half an ear chewed off by its scarred hutch mates in a crowded hutch with no water, and honestly tell me that your animals are getting all they need.
I think the line of assessment should be easy.  Ask yourself, "If I were this animal, would I be happy here?"
If you were under the same care, given the same conditions, space, treatment, etc. would you be as happy as you could be?  If the answer is no- then you may want to evaluate why, and what can be changed.
I know that some people are bound to say, "These are not pets!" when it comes to livestock.  How does that argument justify providing less than 100%?  Just because these animals are being raised to sustain and nourish us, rather than for companionship, they should deserve less?  I don't accept that. 
I believe it is our responsibility to ensure quality of life for any and all animals that we have a partnership with.
I know there are great small farms out there. I've had some really good experiences, and some terrible ones. Speaking out appropriately about poor conditions, holding to higher standards, and supporting those farms that do treat animals with respect and compassion is our way to hopefully inspire change. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you aren't already familiar with the many benefits of raw Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV for short, then you've been missing out!  You can find loads of information and health claims online, but here are just a few facts.  ACV has been used as a health tonic for centuries. I've taken it when I had a bad cough I couldn't shake, and it really helped me clear the gunky feeling lingering in my lungs.  It does inhibit harmful bacteria, and helps balance blood sugars.  You can use it to preserve foods, treat skin troubles, as a hair rinse (which is amazing by the way! I will do a post on that for you soon!), it makes the best salad dressing, and you can enjoy it as a drink.  Bragg's is the go-to brand for real raw ACV that contains "the mother" a beneficial bacteria that gives raw ACV it's punch.  Bragg's even has come out with ACV drinks already mixed and flavored for you.  I'm more of a keep it simple girl, so I make my own drink flavored with a dash of cinnamon.   Animals also benefit from ACV added into their waters.  We do this for our laying hens and goats. They love it.  Imagine my excitement when I learned how to make my own at next to zero cost.
Making vinegar is easier than you might think. It is after all one of the oldest techniques that used to be commonplace in households across the globe.
It's a great homestead skill- anyone can make their own Apple Cider Vinegar.
All you need:

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Evolution of our Chicken Cottage

I'm really happy with what we have to house our chickens. It provides lots of space, is easy enough to clean, and fits the landscape here in a functional way.  However it took us a while to get here. Allow me to share the stages with you, and maybe I can save you from a few of our mistakes.